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We do not have a grading system we have instructors and members.

Instructors are not high and mighty, we are just members too, who have taken on the mantle of instructor so we can continue to operate as a if we get something wrong, we're only human.....well except for Hex.


The Gaillóglaigh( meaning "foreign warriors" ) were a mercenary group of Scots gaels who were employed by Irish chieftans for their prowess on and off the battlefield as commanders of battle brigades or as personal bodyguards.

Loyal and deadly,they never ran from a battle and held their ground...always.

At Gaillimh Gallóglaigh( Galway Gallowglass ) we carry on the martial tradition of the elite Gallóglaigh, using the manuals from the past we practice and train in HEMA( historical European medieval arts ). From medieval times uponto the last century we train in: Longsword(German...touch of Italian....maybe a bit of English), Saber(Polish, English), Rapier(Italian), along with other weapons.

So ask yourself.....Do you have the metal!

"They remained in their ranks, battered, bloodied but not broken. They did not retreat, or give inch or quarter...

They stood waiting, for the assault, holding ground they had soaked in their enemy's blood...

They raised their weapons, shouted their battle cry and plunged at their foe...

Gaillimh Gallóglaigh

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